Math is a way in which we are able to determine quantities & magnitudes of certain things in everyday life. Helps us understand almost every kind of science.
Math is a collection of methods that seem to accurately give answers to everyday, otherwise very tedeously solved problems. These methods, once tried and true, usually form building blocks to solutions of even more complex problems. Through time this process has continued on to the point that the problems being solved today are so intertwined, you almost have to just trust the numbers and not even attempt to rationalize why this all works.
Math is the study of the relationship of numbers.
A necessary evil used to solve problems found in the world or that could be found in the world. Math studies numbers and associated relationships using defined numerical and operational symbols.
Math is the science of logic using known quantities to solve for unknown variables or calculate the various parameters for shapes or objects.
Math is the basic concept of all subjects of science. Science is how the world works, so math is how everything in nature and the world runs.
Math is the basis of all the sciences and nature. Math is the true universal language. Math is my mommy...
Math is the udder from which all sciences suckle.
Math is the study of form, arrangement quantity, and magnitude of numbers and operational symbols.