1. Compute .
The best way to proceed to by converting to spherical
coordinates. The big clue is that the limits of integration for z are essentially
a sphere with radius 3, which makes for very tough antidifferentiation
in rectangular coordinates but converts very nicely to spherical. Looking
at the top view we see that we really only have the portion to the right
of the y axis, or in the (standard viewpoint) 3-d view the front top quarter
of the sphere. Thus in spherical coordinates the integral is,
which works out to
2. Compute ,
where E is the region bounded by the cylinder y2 + z2
= 9 and the planes x=0, y=3x, and z=0 in the first quadrant.
The cylinder (solved for z, selecting the positive
radical) forms the top boundary of our region and z=0 forms the bottom,
so these can serve as limits for z. For x and y limits the top view is
the best place to look. Essentially we're talking about the region bounded
by x=0, y=3x, and y=3 (because that's the relevant part of where the cylinder
crosses the plane z=0), so the integral should be ,
which works out to 27/8.
3. Write as a triple integral and compute the volume of the region bounded
by y = 0, z = 0, and z = 9 - x2 - y.
It's a weird shape -- try using Mathematica to
graph it if you're curious. Basically it's a parabolic cylinder sloping
downward along the y axis, cut off by two of the coordinate planes. The
easiest setup for the integral is ,
which works out to 648/5.