Section 13.3 Exercise Solutions

1. 1/6

2. 1/3


4. -13/6

5. (1 - cos 1)/2

6. 5/2 - 4 ln 2

7.  = 1/12

9.  = -19/42

11.  = (e4 - 4e)/2

13.  = (1 - cos 1)/2

15.  = 500/3

17.  = 1/8

19.  = 6/35

21.  = 31/8


25.  = 1/6

39.  = (e9 - 1)/6

41.  = (sin 81)/ 4

43.  [After the first integration there's a clever u = cos x substitution to be made]

47. Since for points in [0,1]  [0,1] the integrand is between 0 and , the value of the integral also lies between 0 and .