Calculus IV Problem Set 6 Summer 2000 Due 7/18/2000
Each problem is worth 2 points.
For problems 1-6:
Let C1 be the line segment from (2,0) to the origin.
Let C2 be the path made up of a counterclockwise arc of a circle
(centered at the origin) of radius 2 beginning at (2,0) and ending at (0,2),
followed by the line segment from (0,2) to the origin.
Let C3 be the path made up of a clockwise arc of a circle (centered
at the origin) of radius 2 beginning at (2,0) and ending at (0,-2), followed
by the line segment from (0,-2) to the origin.
Let F(x,y) = xi + yj.
Let G(x,y) = <-y,x>.
1. Use the formula from section 14.2 to compute
2. Use the formula from section 14.2 to compute
3. Use the formula from section 14.2 to compute
4. Use the formula from section 14.2 to compute
5. Use the formula from section 14.2 to compute
6. Use the formula from section 14.2 to compute
7. Do Stewart 14.3 #10.
8. Do Stewart 14.3 #12.
9. Do Stewart 14.3 #20.
10. Which of problems 1-6 could have been done by the Fun. Theorem for
Line Integrals? Compute the(ir) values by the Fun. Theorem.