Jon's Mathematica Info & Examples 6/5/2001
Some general tips on getting along with Mathematica
Capitalize all commands and use square brackets around their arguments
(e.g., Factor[x^2+2x+1]).
Use only parentheses as grouping symbols in your expressions -- Mathematica
reserves brackets and braces for other purposes.
Press Shift-Enter, not just Enter, when you want Mathematica to
evaluate an expression.
Some things Mathematica can do
Normal calculator functions and lots more:
2+2 gives 4.
Sqrt[2]^4 gives the square
root of 2 to the fourth power, or 4.
Sin[Pi/2] gives 1, the sine
(2+I)*(3-I) multiplies the
imaginary numbers 2+i and 3-i.
ArcCos[1/2] computes the
inverse cosine of 1/2 (as an exact value).
Tanh[Log[2]] computes the
hyperbolic tangent of the natural logarithm of 2.
N[Sqrt[2],20] gives the
first 20 decimal digits of the square root of 2.
N[E^4.1,15] gives the first
15 decimal digits of e4.1.
produces 42 - 13 x - 27 x2
- 3 x3 + x4.
Factor[x^3+3x^2-4x-12] produces
+ x)(2 + x)(3 + x).
Solve[x^2-4==0,x] solves
the equation x2-4=0 for x.
FactorInteger[2434500] produces
2}, {3, 2}, {5, 3}, {541, 1}} meaning 22, 32,
53, and 541 are the factors of 2434500.
PrimeQ[5757] gives False
because 5757 is not prime.
Graph functions:
produces a graph of the function for x values from 0 to 20.
-> RGBColor[1,0,0]] produces a graph in red.
displays the last two graphs on the same set of axes (note "%3" refers
to the 3rd output. % and %% refer to the last output and the
output before that).
produces a parametric graph.
Perform standard Calculus tasks:
Limit[Sin[x]/x, x->0] produces
the limit of the specified function as x approaches 0.
Limit[E^x/x, x-> -Infinity]
produces 0, the limit of this function
as x grows large.
D[x^2,x] produces 2
x, the derivative of x2.
D[x^4,{x,3}] produces 24
x, the third derivative of x4.
Integrate[Sin[.5x],x] produces
0.2 Cos [0.5 x], the antiderivative of the given function.
produces 2, the value of the definite
produces 1, the value of the improper
produces 4, the value of the double
integral. Note that the order is somewhat unusual: the command given
here evaluates in the order that would typically be written "dy dx".
Sum[i,{i,1,100}] produces
the sum of the integers from 1 to 100.
produces 1.
Produce several varieties of three dimensional
Sin[y], {x,-6,6}, {y,-6,6}] produces a graph for the specified
{x,0,7Pi/2}, {y,-2,2}] produces a contour map (darker is
produces a density plot (darker is higher).
produces a parametric curve plot given the three coordinate functions.
Cos[v], 5Sin[u] Sin[v], 5Cos[u]}, {u,0,Pi}, {v,0,2Pi}] produces
a parametric surface plot given the three coordinate functions.
More advanced options for three dimensional graphs:
(These options can be included just within the final bracket of the Plot3D
or other command)
Axes->None eliminates the
axes from the plot.
labels the three axes with the names given.
BoxRatios->{1,1,1} changes
the ratios of length, width, and height from the squished default.
Framed->False eliminates
the box normally plotted around the graph.
Mesh->False eliminates the
trace lines Mathematica normally includes on the surface.
PlotPoints->30 samples 30
points along each axis, rather than the default of 15. This can produce
a much smoother graph.
PlotRange->{-.3,.3} specifies
the vertical range to be plotted.
Shading->False produces
a graph without any shading of the surface.
puts the tick marks on the x axis in the default locations, puts no tick
marks on the y axis, and forces the tick marks on the z axis to take the
specified locations.
ViewPoint->{2,2,2} specifies
the point from which to view the surface.
Generate basic geometric objects:
(use these commands to produce objects, then Show them with each
other or with a Plot3D output)
creates a point at the coordinates given.
creates a line segment connecting the two points given.
Generate graphical representations of vector fields:
If you first load an optional package with the command <<Graphics`PlotField`,
then the command PlotVectorField[{-y,x},{x,-3,3},{y,-3,3}]
plots the vector field F(x,y)
= -yi + xj
for the specified domain.
If you first load an optional package with the command <<Graphics`PlotField3D`,
then the command PlotVectorField3D[{y,
-x, 0}/z, {x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}, {z, 1, 3}] produces a plot
of the three dimensional vector field given for the specified domain.